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Committed to the Construction of Deep Reading Brains

Science tells how to maximize the early growth of each child's reading brain.  

Kenan Preschool emphasizes language and literacy across all curricula, with children learning the language of math, science, social studies, and more.

Kenan Preschool children are immersed in conversation, guided play, and language-centered experiences. This intentionality helps them to acquire the pre-literacy skills that lay the foundation for reading and writing. Kenan ensures they are developing the complex vocabulary, critical thinking skills, empathetic awareness of the world around and the executive functions that help them put it all together  - this is what we mean when we talk about "construction of the Deep Reading Brain." 

Warm, welcoming Kenan teachers hold advanced degrees, have expertise in early childhood development, and understand the science behind what is required to best prepare our youngest learners for everything that comes after preschool.

The trusting relationships formed between teachers and students are the secure base from which students develop confidence in their ideas, problem solving skills and risk taking in their creative learning. Free play, guided play and game experiences with teachers  build critical skills across all developmental areas and serve their ongoing learning. In this deeply intentional, language-centered community, children are not silenced - quite the opposite. Conversation is encouraged, so that children learn the value of listening, creating and contributing. 


In each culturally responsive classroom, through playful adult-guided and child-directed experiences, pre-literacy skills are built on a solid language foundation. These skills include developing the reading brains’ phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, and print-awareness skills, alongside developing sophisticated vocabulary, improving critical thinking skills and guiding empathy development so children can fully express themselves, understand what they are learning to read, and ask the questions that go beyond the page.

Kenan Classes

Children must be class age by September 1st