Open the Door to Your Child’s Future
Our Voices
In the language-centered classrooms of Kenan, teaching teams focus on constructing each child's Deep Reading Brain - encouraging critical thinking, making the most of opportunities for empathy, and improving executive functions while they construct the foundations of literacy.
As the only Atlanta preschool focused intentionally on the transformative power of language and literacy of the whole child, Kenan holds as a goal ensuring every child leaves remarkably prepared for elementary school and for everything that comes next.
Mary Lowell P., Kenan Parent
When I think about things I’m grateful for, which is an exercise I try to be purposeful about these days, William being at Kenan is among those at the top of the list. It’s clear that he is thriving, and I love hearing his enthusiasm when talking about his friends, his teachers and the curriculum. The care that everyone has for the Kenan students is perpetually evident, and we know it’s a special place. We’re so grateful for you and your team…truly.
Shilpa I., Kenan Parent
We are elated that our daughter was invited to join the Kenan community! We have seen the magic and joy of Kenan through Maya’s experience and we can’t wait for Mira to join as well.
Susan B., Former Parent
It's one of the first places where my children felt they were part of a larger family that extended beyond our home. It was also one of my first experiences where I felt we were in this together in raising our family. It wasn't just a stop along the way, but the place that built the foundation for where else they would go, and who they would be. Kenan shaped their relationships for their lifetime, and got them ready for all the other places they were educated.